Yari Ostovany

hwpb catalog

Hidden Wounds, Paper Bullets: Iranian Contemporary Art

Catalog from the 2009 exhibition at California State University, Fullerton Grand Central Art Center Curated by Elizabeth Little As a result of the Iranian Revolution of the 1970s, the artists participating in this exhibition explore western culture and Iranian traditions through their art. Unified by their cultural experiences, these artists offer insight into a community torn between democratic and theocratic values, and a Persian past and Islamic present.

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Cultivating A New Identity: A Self-referential Experience for Iranian-American Artists

By Hengameh Fouladvand presented at the conference: Contemporary Iranian Art: Modernity and the Iranian Artist, at Kellogg College, University of Oxford in association with Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, July 2005 Spiritual, historical and mythological subjects inform Yari Ostovany’s sophisticated compositions. His intellectually ambitious use of postmodern texts and theory reflects his familiarity with old-master paintings and classical art. His work questions the concepts of authenticity and pushes the limits of rationality; Ostovany’s work show a distinct interest in poetry, literary works, the development of ‘self’ and new forms of spirituality. Modifying the customary notions

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Die Poesie der Existenz; Malerei von Yari Ostovany

Dr. Christoph Kivelitz | > English translation by Dr. Joep Lameer  Yari Ostovany setzt sich in seinem Schaffen auf verschiedenen Ebenen mit der Erfahrung eines kulturellen Gedächtnisses auseinander. In Bildzyklen umkreist der Künstler assoziativ mythisch geprägte Motive, in denen die Frage nach dem Ursprung und der Sinnhaftigkeit des Lebens aufgeworfen wird. Hierzu gehören die”Vogelgespräche” und die Figur des Ikarus. Zwei weitere Bildzyklen versteht der Künstler als Hommage an Goya und Ezra Pound, deren Gedankenwelt ihn wesentlich in seiner abstrakten Bildsprache beeinflusst hat. Die”Vogelgespräche” beziehen sich auf eines der klassischen Werke der Sufi-Literatur, verfasst von Farid

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The Poetics of Existence; Paintings of Yari Ostovany

Dr. Christoph Kivelitz / English translation by Dr. Joep Lameer | > original German  In his creative activity, Yari Ostovany deals at various levels with the phenomenon of cultural  memory. Following his stream of consciousness, the artist revolves in cycles of paintings around themes that bear the mark of the myth and raise questions about the sense and origin of existence. Among these are the”Conference of the Birds” and the Icarus motif. The artist regards two further cycles as tributes to Goya and Ezra Pound, whose ideas have greatly influenced his abstract pictorial language. The

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